Issue 109 Review

- - - - - comic issue 109 maggie sophia hilltop




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this plan of Rick`s is bound to fail, has any of Rick`s plans every worked ?
None of Ricks`s plans have ever worked out at least none that i can remember.
This "plan" of Rick`s is going to get alot of people killed and have a few turn on him before it ends.

As far as I can remember, the last plan of Rick's that worked out exactly how he wanted it to was when Rick curb-stomped the hunters. I believe this Abraham quote applies here: "You just might be a shitty leader, Rick". I think Rick's plan could work, but not without heavy casualties all around.
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that Asian son of a b*tch
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    S-mart Employee

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I think Kal makes it back, judging by the upcoming covers.

We've seen the "punishments" Negan dishes out, but I think this time he'll go bigger. For some reason I think the whole deception and such are what will make Negan the most angry. He expects submission, to not submit ends in death.

I'm looking for Eugene (major blow to loose the bullet maker), Spencer, or Rick to get the wrath of Negan's knife. Maybe not a death for Rick, maybe another dismemberment or a stabbing? Seems like Rick can't lose another limb without becoming close to useless.
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    S-mart Employee

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On a side note, Carl looks odd with his hair so long. I'm thinking he needs to cut that stuff.

Spencer...oh goodness. He's just sad. Lol.
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    S-mart Employee

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Would it be unrealistic to suggest that Kal could be just doing a perimeter check, Jesus ends up trekking back to Negans/ Alexandria and putting his foot in it more and revealing the plans which gets overheard or something. I don't think it's the case but just a different approach.
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Duffy Duck

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Jesus gets the knife o.O
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Okay, the knife we see in covers 111 and 112 is the same knife Negan bashes Rick over the head with when he bites him. Dwight is likely playing both sides, Negan sent him to Ezekiel but Dwight's not telling him everything. He won't tell Negan about Rick and Paul creating an army...but Kal will. Negan will be gunning for Rick, and kill Dwight (and possibly Paul in the process)...that's my theory anyway. Oh, and Spencer will find a way to fuck Alexandria over...
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    S-mart Employee

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Great issue! Finally one without boring Negan Stuff. Kirkman is finally back to great storytelling and More character development!
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Maybe Jesus will convince Kal not to tell Negan, but he still finds out and slashes him up in 111/112
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Blood on the knife is:

1. Jesus', because his death will unite all the factions together in one epic chaotic battle.
2.Gregory, just because he let Jesus slip through and Negan doesn't fucking like that. Doesn't fucking fuckady, like that at all.
3. Maggie, free abortions for all!

ETA: HOLY SHIT! Just noticed something. Remember Gregory mistakens Maggie for "Molly" after leaving the doctor. Molly was the sick girl in Negan's Saviors at the beginning of Issue 105 that we never saw but had a cough. Hilltop is a front for Negan to lure people in.
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    Hallelujer! Im STILL Alive!

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  • LocationAlexandria Safe Zone with Spencer`s pool table.

ETA: HOLY SHIT! Just noticed something. Remember Gregory mistakens Maggie for "Molly" after leaving the doctor. Molly was the sick girl in Negan's Saviors at the beginning of Issue 105 that we never saw but had a cough. Hilltop is a front for Negan to lure people in.

Agreed the hilltop IMO has always had something wrong with it from the first time we have seen it.
Gregory is not in charge we can clearly see someone besides him is calling the plays. The man does not even know how may people he is leading ? How is that possible that he knows so little about the workings of the hilltop but he is in charge?
Great catch with the Molly name drop but i would not jump to conclusions on a name unless its a full name.
How many Carson`s are there now ? There have been so many people with the same name that this is probably another troll from the master of "same name" trollness or Gregory is the real traitor and mistakes "Molly" for Maggie.
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So Jesus has to go chase Kal down and try to stop or kill him before he gets to Negs
2)or that's an excuse for them to get with Negs and plan Negan's end game with Kal or
3) Try to Kill Kal and get caught by Negan who gets the plan and slaughters Jesus in front of every one
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"(When/If) You come at the King, you best not miss"- Omar Little




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I think that Kal isn't going to Negan. It seems like the obvious, and everyone is anticipating it so I hope something else is the case.
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After Glenn, I was hoping for more Kal...

and he had to go off and betray Hilltop...

Poor Eduardo :D
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I hope Kal ends up like Martinez and I hope that Jesus and Rick end up like these two cool guys.

Anyway, I like the issue. Pretty good. Also, did anyone else notice that Carl looks like Skrillex. Ughhhhh. Get a haircut.
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    S-mart Employee

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i liked the new characters we saw in this issue brianna,dr. harley carson and earl sutton hope they stick around for awhile also wish they could all just go to alexandria and be with all the characters we have over there, i was upset about kal i wanted to see more of his character and now he is negans inside man, also looks like eduardo might be guarding alone for awhile if jesus chases down kal and is forced to kill him. good to see maggie and sophia again, gregory can just get eaten by walkers and i want to see how eugenes doing with the bullet casings, still want to see so e more development for characters like arron,eric,heath and denise wonder when zeke will be seen again and iknow im not the only who wants to see negan kill someone we know i wish i could just get to a war already the anticipation is killing me.
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rick and michonne 3 - little girl walkers 0




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I have s feeling that Maggie may die on issue #111 follow by sophia #112
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    S-mart Employee

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Maybe Jesus will tell Maggie about his fuck up and her and Sophia will re-unite with Alexandria because a bloody battle is imminent and they'd rather be with their people.
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I thought sutton and the doc were great . Theres something off about the hilltop though, just cant quite place it
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    Top of the Food Chain

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Maybe in 110, Rick, Michonne, Heath & Nicholas (just guessing) go to Kingdom to talk more with Zeke... hence the sword fight on the cover. Kal makes it to Sanctuary and informs Negan what's going on. He flips out and heads towards Alexandria. Meanwhile Spencer is pissed that Rick left again, so he tries to take charge. Negan shows up with a band of his Saviors to thrown down and Spencer is like "F you buddy" and then gets shanked by Negan after some fuckedy fucking fuck of a fucking speech. Then Andrea and Carl are left to either take out Negan or they get taken. Just a thought.
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The thing I hated most about this issue is that I have to wait another month until the next one. Dammit.

Anyway, really good issue.
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I wonder if the doctor is going to be Maggie's new love interest. It seemed the artist was trying to make him look especially dashing when he was checking out her baby bump. And Kal ratting them out is likely going to be what will make Negan go all Jack the Ripper all over everybody's' ass in a few issues from now.

A bit disappointed Maggie and Sophia didn't get the attention to development I expected. I guess I should know better due to this history of misleading summaries.
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    S-mart Employee

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Don't worry Stark, I have a feeling that by the end of this arc(115) Maggie and Sophia will be reunited with Rick and co. Therefore hopefully giving us more of them and their development.... before one of them gets killed off.
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I'm really digging the new flow that kirkman appears to have picked up. The constant back and forth between different people/scenes. It develop's the storyline better in my opinion.

Loved all the attention Maggie and Sophia got this issue. I still can't get a good read on Gregory, is he just daft or forgetful? Still seems like an act.
Jesus is so sketchy.. I got a weird feeling at one point that he wasn't allowed to be there/ wasn't a real citizen of the hilltop. It kept being brought up how he snuck in etc.
Spencer has really let himself go, I guess that was the point of that interaction between him and that one woman a few issues back. How he is so handsome/ should be in control and it's his fathers legacy.
Sutton is the blacksmith with a heart of gold( called it! ). I really hope he becomes a prominent character with the hilltop storyline.
Fantastic issue, really loved it. I think it's too late for Jesus to reach Kal and that this is the reason "Lucille gets so jealous". My only hope is that spencer tries to stand up against Negan to show that he isn't afraid and ends up getting Lucilled.
Also, kirkman has really made michonne a dull character. I feel like he's overselling the whole " I'm done with this attitude ". I hope she doesn't get killed off.
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