The Governor's Weakness

Gov TWD Andrea Governor




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Is it just me or is the Governor a Chauvinist Pig. He doesn't allow women to fight. That will be his down fall ultimately, if he had the women of Woodbury fighting they could have taken Rick and co out in Episode 8.
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mr teaspoon

mr teaspoon


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We see that woman stationed on the wall with Andrea, so there's that.

I didn't interpret that scene with Andrea as The Gov acting out of sexism. We've seen in the past that Andrea has a major chip on her shoulder in terms of gender roles, seemed to me it was that part of her personality popping up again.

Of course, he did what he did with Maggie. While a sign of total disrespect for a woman, I'm thinking that was more an interrogation technique than anything else.
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He didn't want andrea to find out who was invading I think he cares about her... At least as much as he can care about someone else.

As an aside.. anyone else seeing The Governor as a weird combination of Rick, Shane and pre-barn massacre hershel?
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Of course, he did what he did with Maggie. While a sign of total disrespect for a woman, I'm thinking that was more an interrogation technique than anything else.

Agreed. With the limited knowledge I have of what takes place in the comics, I can see how the governor is going to be quite the villain. But I think the TV show has done a good job making him a multifaceted villain, at least so far.

His reluctance to let women fight (if true) is certainly patriarchal and arguably backward, but it also might reflect a certain nobility that, antiquated though his chauvinism may be, was calculated to portray him as more than a mindless sociopath.
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He does strike me as chauvanistic... Or at very least a bit addicted to power and sex. Rape is about control more than sexual attraction, and a blatant disrespect or women, and I do believe that is what the Governor really wants more than anything else. He's openly said it, he didn't have much before outbreak, all of his authority has come well after the apocolypse. Now if he wants something, he can have it. He shows that by using women, the girl we first saw in his bed, Andrea and then Maggie.

That said, I think he just wanted Andrea away from "her group". He has been nervous for a while now that Andrea would run into Maggie and Glenn, which would expose him. Either he's afraid that would mean he'd have to dispose of her, indicating he at least doesn't want to lose her, or that she would raise hell... That I am unsure of. Whichever was the case, it was too risky that she would have recognized the people she knew.

The only thing I wonder now, is if that is the case, why did he let her see Daryl? He could have just killed Merle and Daryl in private, said that his right hand man went down in a fight, so why LET her see that it was her old 'family' that invaded?
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I don't see The Gov as a chauvanist actually. I think that they were wanting to subtly hint at him being a psychopath. Characteristics that Psychopaths tend to exibit are:
Promiscuity - Check (Rowan & Andrea)
Egocentricity - Check, he lets himself be called The Governor for cryin out loud
Manipulitiveness - Check
Shallow Emotions - I would say this is a check, as it seems everytime someone turns away from him, he winds up with a blank stare on his face. The only real emotion you actually see from him is always involving Penny.
Stress Tolerance - I would say Check here too
Can mimic caring & friendship in a convincing manner - Big check there.
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He might well be chauvinistic, but as yet there has been no hint of that in the show.

Rowan/Andrea are women and they both were bedded by the Guv.....nothing abnormal there.

As for not letting Andrea fight, that was more to do with the fact she might recognize them and cause a bit of internal conflict which he wanted to avoid.
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