The Governor's Reason For Being At The Prison

- - - - - Governor Phillip Megan Prison Rick




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With the divergence from the comic, and the fact they are making The Governor more... human than his comic book self, what could be the reason TG is at the prison?? We all assume revenge, but if he bounded with this girl Megan and her mom and aunt (Tara and Lilly), maybe he's at the prison for another reason??

We all assume there is a mole in the prison for him, especially due to the rats? What if we are wrong about this, and the rat feeder is unrelated) What if he goes there for help? They seem to show he's a dedicated father ( To the point of extreme denial and risking his life for Megan ) Maybe he goes there in such a desperate bid to help her, that he's willing to HELP them?

I don't know how likely it is, but can you imagine the opportunity for storytelling if Rick becomes indebted to The Governor?
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Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray thee Lord these bites aren't deep.
Should I die before I wake, I pray thee Lord, my skull they break.



    S-mart Employee

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He probably sees the prison as quite a secure place for his new brood but i don't see how he can get it by any other way than by force.

The idea of Michonne or Daryl standing by while Rick and TG have some sort of negotiation or something would be absurd to me
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I think TG is indeed looking for a place were he can keep his new "family" safe. The prison is the only thing in the area now that Woodbury is gone. And he probably is willing to remove everyone in there to get his own group inside. And if something happen to Megan, he might completely snap and starts another war just for the sake of it.
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With the divergence from the comic, and the fact they are making The Governor more... human than his comic book self, what could be the reason TG is at the prison?? We all assume revenge, but if he bounded with this girl Megan and her mom and aunt (Tara and Lilly), maybe he's at the prison for another reason??

We all assume there is a mole in the prison for him, especially due to the rats? What if we are wrong about this, and the rat feeder is unrelated) What if he goes there for help? They seem to show he's a dedicated father ( To the point of extreme denial and risking his life for Megan ) Maybe he goes there in such a desperate bid to help her, that he's willing to HELP them?

I don't know how likely it is, but can you imagine the opportunity for storytelling if Rick becomes indebted to The Governor?

Gimple flat out said in the Talking Dead premiere that The Guv was already having an affect on happenings at the prison. Whether that's a mole or something else, it's something. And I'm sure we'll find out about it in the next 2 episodes. I think we're done with the prison until the winter. The last two episodes will be about the Gov.
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Mrs. DD

Mrs. DD


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Gimple flat out said in the Talking Dead premiere that The Guv was already having an affect on happenings at the prison. Whether that's a mole or something else, it's something. And I'm sure we'll find out about it in the next 2 episodes. I think we're done with the prison until the winter. The last two episodes will be about the Gov.

I had forgotten Gimple said that. after last night, not sure how it's possible to me....
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I had always thought TG had a mole at the prison but seeing this episode I am kinda changing my mind. TG (or Brian now) doesn't appear to have that kind of authority anymore that would make someone go spy on a prison full of kids and women. I don't think he could sell that and even if he had a mole they could easily have already gotten sick and died with the redshirt-virus.

I am thinking he now wants the prison as somewhere to keep Megan safe. Perhaps we will try to take it or contemplates having them join without him just to stay safe. Don't know.
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Mrs. DD

Mrs. DD


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I don't know how likely it is, but can you imagine the opportunity for storytelling if Rick becomes indebted to The Governor?

I don't think there'd be any "new" storytelling. Rick was indebted to Shane and he took him out. Rick had reasons to be thankful for Carol and he put her out. Obviously Rick viewed them as threats...just as the governor is a threat. it's been done before. the reason those two impacted me was because I cared about Shane and Carol. I don't give two shits about the governor.

I'm REALLY hoping that doesn't happen.
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I think we'll see TG having to play better the Devil you know for a period of time....whether that's with Martinez, and/or Rick's group at the prison....but it will happen.

We will no doubt then see a return to the dark side at some point through a death. I don't think revenge is a motivating factor yet....unless we see something else in the next couple of episodes....he tangibly gave up his old life in the ritualistic burning of the photo.
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Dead Gov Walking

Dead Gov Walking


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My theory is the Governor comes to the prison with peace in mind, but Rick and Co. don't buy it and open fire.
So I'm expecting the Prison Attack to really just be the Governor and Co. acting in self-defense
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Thanks to the flashback episode which I wasn't too keen on, we find out that the Governor has a new reason for living and a new family to keep safe. Of course we followed his journey to make us feel for him and his new group but I could have done without that. I think he's at the prison looking for a safe place to leave them. Obviously, Rick and co. will not let him stay, he's done too much for them to forget.
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Thanks to the flashback episode which I wasn't too keen on, we find out that the Governor has a new reason for living and a new family to keep safe. Of course we followed his journey to make us feel for him and his new group but I could have done without that. I think he's at the prison looking for a safe place to leave them. Obviously, Rick and co. will not let him stay, he's done too much for them to forget.

Yes. I wholeheartedly agree with you on this. If Carol gets ousted for her misdeeds, there is no way the writers can convince me that Rick would allow TG a safe harbor.
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    S-mart Employee

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What if something happens to Martinez's group and by the end it's just him and the little girl on their last legs. no food, no water with walkers at every corner. maybe he realizes Rick's group is the only way to keep Megan safe and makes a deal with Rick to give his life in exchange for them taking the little girl in.
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"And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts And I looked and behold, a pale horse And his name that sat on him was Death And Hell followed with him." (Revelations 6:7-8)




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I'm thinking there is a mole for the governor, think about this all these new people Rick has been saving arent just from Woodbury. And the parts with govenor finding the family is further in the past before season 4 first episode. With clues from the next episode preview I'm wondering if he might be setting up survivors to be saved by Ricks group to have people on the inisde.
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There is NO WAY tg would even attempt to "make peace" or try to "join" the prison group....NO.WAY.AT.ALL.

im 100% convinced he is just after the prison to keep his family safe an he knows he has to get rid of the prison group so killing them/gettin rid of them is just an added bonus to him
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I'm thinking there is a mole for the governor, think about this all these new people Rick has been saving arent just from Woodbury. And the parts with govenor finding the family is further in the past before season 4 first episode. With clues from the next episode preview I'm wondering if he might be setting up survivors to be saved by Ricks group to have people on the inisde.

How do u know this episode was before episode 1?
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    S-mart Employee

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I'm pretty sure he's there just spying/making sure they're still there. My only question would have been why he took so long to come back there, but I think last episode answered that for me.

That would be interesting if he was there for any other reason though.
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Slight spoilers for previews, I actually cant remember if it was the preview or not but just to be safe:


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He probably sees the prison as quite a secure place for his new brood but i don't see how he can get it by any other way than by force.

The idea of Michonne or Daryl standing by while Rick and TG have some sort of negotiation or something would be absurd to me

Agree with you completely.
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  • Locationin the back of a van somewhere....
maybe he takes Megan & co to go stay there & stays outta sight so Ricks group don't see him. I get the feeling the new Woodbury group don't want "deadweight" so they'd take the Gov back but not the others. Plus Megan thinks he's called Brian so if the tell Rick a guy called Brian helped them get there they'll assume its a different guy. ... does any of this make sense or am I rambling?
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- He killed Andrea
- he killed Axel
- he brought a whole town to attack/kill them
- he sent goons to kill Michonne
- he humiliated Maggie an let Glenn get beat to a pulp, almost killed

An people really think he's gonna try to join the prison group or make peace!?!?!?! Wow...
- he
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First, its had to use logic to figure what a psychopath is up too I find it hard to believe that after losing a small army to an attach on the prison the first time he would risk his "new" family with a second attack.
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I think Martinez and Shumpert stumbled upon a new camp once they abandoned the Governor, and quickly took over as leadership since those two were the Governors best. Once in charge, they tell the camp stories about a prison they could hole up in but it's defended by barbarians.

Remember, Martinez was pissed at having to retreat from the prison. He just frowned upon The governor going Stalin on his own people. To weaken the prison, guys from the camp are luring zombies to the walls with rats...figuring they can retake the prison once the zombies break into the prison.

Where the Governor and his new family fits in one of two things happen. Either Megan dies and he goes back into full psycho mode, takes leadership of the camp and attacks the prison. OR...his family is intact and he finds himself in Merle's situation last season. With the radio broadcast origins still unknown, could Rick and the Gov team up to take on a much greater threat?
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XBOX One Gamertag: ROFbaggingU.  Blackops 3 Zombies mode: easter egg hunter.




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I think Martinez and Shumpert stumbled upon a new camp once they abandoned the Governor, and quickly took over as leadership since those two were the Governors best. Once in charge, they tell the camp stories about a prison they could hole up in but it's defended by barbarians.

Remember, Martinez was pissed at having to retreat from the prison. He just frowned upon The governor going Stalin on his own people. To weaken the prison, guys from the camp are luring zombies to the walls with rats...figuring they can retake the prison once the zombies break into the prison.

Where the Governor and his new family fits in one of two things happen. Either Megan dies and he goes back into full psycho mode, takes leadership of the camp and attacks the prison. OR...his family is intact and he finds himself in Merle's situation last season. With the radio broadcast origins still unknown, could Rick and the Gov team up to take on a much greater threat?

Martinez didn't just frown upon TG killing his own people. He was clearly shocked and in disbelieve and cowered behind the car holding his submachine gun ready in case TG turned on him as well. He almost shitted his pants together with Shumpert when TG nods them to step in the car. I see Martinez not being leader for long. Either he steps down and become TGs second-in command again or he gets killed by TG. There is a reason he was his henchman in Woodbury and not his leader.
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Martinez didn't just frown upon TG killing his own people. He was clearly shocked and in disbelieve and cowered behind the car holding his submachine gun ready in case TG turned on him as well. He almost shitted his pants together with Shumpert when TG nods them to step in the car. I see Martinez not being leader for long. Either he steps down and become TGs second-in command again or he gets killed by TG. There is a reason he was his henchman in Woodbury and not his leader.

I agree with you, but Martinez was still all about taking the prison. What I'm saying is that once he became this new leader, he talked his new group into a strategy for overtaking the prison. Just because the Gov lost it and made Martinez thankful he had his shitting pants on, doesnt mean he no longer wants the prison for himself and new group.
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XBOX One Gamertag: ROFbaggingU.  Blackops 3 Zombies mode: easter egg hunter.




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I see WHY everyone would want the prison but considering its being held by a heavily armed group with an unknown amount of group members, you would think they would head to a different prison (or a jailhouse, detention center,etc)....i mean Martinez an them are out on the road anyways, why not spend that time looking for a different, secure prison-esque building?? Obviously that wouldnt be any fun for us, the viewers lol but still....I know i wouldnt want to go against a large,heavily armed group that made us retreat once already, id be scared that the 2nd time i wouldnt be so lucky to escape with my life
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